We are signatories of the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE Recommendations), and to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) code of conduct for editors. The journal follows the COPE’s guidelines.
Author refers to an individual whose substantial intellectual contributions appear in the finished manuscript. An author must assume responsibility for at least one of the sections that make up the text, be able to identify the individuals responsible for each of the other sections, and will ideally have confidence in the ability and integrity of his/her co-authors. Authorship must be fulfil the following conditions:
1) making significant contributions to the study concept and design, data gathering, or data analysis and interpretation; 2) writing the draft copy of the article or critically reviewing its substantial intellectual content; and 3) giving final approval for the version submitted for publication.
The authors of the manuscript are responsible for naming the lead author, determining authorship order, and differentiating between authors and collaborators. Manuscripts presented for publication must list all authors. All authors must give definitive approval of the version that will be published.
The lead author shall be responsible for correspondence with the journal and must ensure that all authors approve the draft versions revised before submission, the submitted version, and the final version accepted by the journal. The lead author must inform the journal and give any necessary explanations should there be a change in the authorship of a submitted manuscript (additions, omissions, or changes in order). Authors must fill in and submit the following documents: authorship form, conflicts of interest disclosure, and copyright transfer.
Collaborator refers to an individual who does not meet criteria for authorship, but who has contributed in other ways, such as gathering data, providing technical assistance, obtaining grants, supervising personnel, or copyediting.
Authors must provide a Conflicts of Interest Statement and fill out the standard form. This form may be sent with the manuscript or else by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applicable law requires authors to obtain informed consent to present patient case reports, personal information, and/or images. Any studies of patients and/or volunteers will require approval by an Ethics Committee in addition to signed informed consent forms from all participants. This information must be provided in your manuscript.
If the above applies to your manuscript, please confirm that formal informed consent has been given in writing, as required by applicable law, by any patients, participants, or other individuals whose information appears in the manuscript. In this case, please confirm that you have received written authorisation from the responsible Clinical Research Ethics Committee, if applicable.
When authors carry out experiments on human subjects, they must indicate whether the procedures that are being followed comply with the ethical principles laid down by the institutional and national committees responsible for human experimentation, and by the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, revised in 2008. If it is in any way unclear whether the research was carried out according to the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must provide an explanation of their methodology and proof that the Ethics Committee at their institution approved any questionable aspects of the study. If authors have performed experiments on animals, they must indicate whether they have complied with national and institutional regulations for the care and use of laboratory animals.
Neurosciences and History subscribes to the COPE code of conduct for journal editors and is committed to respecting the code of ethics in all steps of the publication process (pdf).
Inappropriate conduct may include such practices as plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, duplicate or redundant publication, and ghost-writing. The journal uses plagiarism detection software among other techniques for identifying misconduct.
Neurosciences and History does not accept articles in which generative artificial intelligence tools have been used in the drafting of the text or in the creation of tables, figures, or any other part or element of the manuscript.
Neurosciences and History
Archivo Histórico de la Sociedad Española de Neurología
C/ Casp, 172, 1A 08013 – Barcelona
Tlf.: +34 933426233.
E-mail: archivo@sen.org.es