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Issue 4 of Neurosciences and History is now available. Don’t miss the opportunity to read our latest research articles on the history of neurology.
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Type of article: ORIGINAL
A. Arboix1, J.L. Martí-Vilalta2
1Cerebrovascular Disease Unit, Department of Neurology. Hospital Universitari del Sagrat Cor, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
2Stroke Unit, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Introduction. The purpose of this article is to analyse the neurological interests of Dr Bartomeu Robert i Yarzábal (Tampico, Mexico 1842–Barcelona 1902), mentor to Dr Barraquer Roviralta, who in turn founded Spanish and Catalan clinical neurology.
Methods. We conducted a literature search on Medline with no date limits to locate the keyword ‘Bartomeu Robert’. We also drew from the doctoral thesis by M.G. Fabregas Camps (Història de la Neurologia a Catalunya. De l’any 1882 a l’any 1949); primary historical sources selected from the library of the Academy of Medical and Health Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Isles in Barcelona; and personal collections.
Results. Bartomeu Robert i Yarzábal, mentor to Barraquer Roviralta, was the most famous figure in medicine in his time. As an outstanding teacher and doctor, rose to the Department Chair of Internal Medicine, and was made president of the Reial Acadèmia de Medicina i Cirurgia. At a later date, he also became councilman and mayor of the city of Barcelona. He published around 200 scientific articles, 14 of which addressed such neurological issues as brain tumours, encephalic aploplexy, spinal cord diseases, epilepsy, neuropathological studies, antineuralgic treatment, and peripheral nervous system disease. Bartomeu Robert i Yarzábal died at the age of 59 as the result of a heart attack.
Conclusions. The neurological studies undertaken by Dr Bartomeu Robert, the grand master of medicine in his time, were remarkable and significant. Thanks to his direction and encouragement, Dr Barraquer Roviralta, one of his favourite students, would focus his efforts exclusively on studying neurological diseases and caring for patients with nervous disorders.
Bartomeu Robert, Luis Barraquer Roviralta, history, neurology, stroke
Neurosciences and History 2014;2(3):106-111
Neurosciences and History
Archivo Histórico de la Sociedad Española de Neurología
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