R. Yaya Huamán
Neurosciences and History 2017; 5(2): 77-81
Type of article: REVIEW

R. Yaya Huamán
Former clinical head of the Neurology Department. Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, Spain.
Art historian
Frida Kahlo’s painting and neurology are closely related. The artist expresses her diseases in her paintings with great authenticity: she experienced poliomyelitis during childhood and suffered severe trauma when she was young, causing permanent paresis of the right leg and chronic, intense vertebral pain. The diary she kept for 10 years represents a true clinical history, including intimate reflections and several drawings depicting the progression of her various symptoms, as well as her indomitable personality. This fascinating woman was able to transform her feelings into true art. Frida Kahlo’s creative passion led her to be considered the great female Latin American painter of the 20th century.
Acute infantile paralysis, art, Frida Kahlo, neuropathic pain, poliomyelitis
Neurosciences and History 2017; 5(2): 77-81