C. FloresNeurosciences and History 2013;1(4):169-174
Type of article: ORIGINAL
C. Flores
General Archive and Data Protection Division. Complutense University of Madrid.
The purpose of this article is to promote the resources on neurological training and studies kept in the General Archive at Complutense University of Madrid (AGUCM), especially for use by researchers interested in the history of neurology. To this end, the study contains two sections. First, it presents an overview of the medicine-related documents that are kept in the AGUCM; this serves to provide a wider context that may be useful for other studies that may examine the matter more minutely, while also informing readers of why the documents are kept here and not elsewhere, and why other papers they may have hoped to find remain at large. Second, it describes neurology-related documents located in the AGUCM’s collection.
Archivo General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, research, history of neurology.
Neurosciences and History 2013;1(4):169-174