A. ArboixNeurosciences and History 2016;4(1):39-42
Type of article: SHORT ARTICLE

A. Arboix
Cerebrovascular Disease Unit, Neurology Department. Hospital Universitari del Sagrat Cor. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Dr Luis Barraquer Roviralta (1855-1928) was the father of clinical neurology in Catalonia and Spain. He was Bartomeu Robert’s favourite student and also laid the foundations of neurosurgery as a new specialty. An active and tireless researcher, one of his most remarkable traits was his humility. Dr Barraquer Roviralta was a perfect gentleman, a superb clinician, an original researcher, and a reference for neurology in Catalonia. The Barraquer Roviralta archive presents a valuable testimony to neurology in his time; it includes a vast collection of literature, in addition to some two thousand original photographs. Paradoxically, despite his fame and prestige, Dr Barraquer Roviralta remained a modest and accessible person, and a lover of the countryside. He died on 12 October 1928 at the age of 73.
Barraquer Roviralta, history, Catalan neurology, neurology, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Neurosciences and History 2016;4(1):39-42